Add a Course
AP&P proposal form Parts A and B must be completed. A syllabus must be attached to a proposal to add a course. If you want the new course added to a program of study, a separate AP&P form needs to be completed to revise the program of study.
- Add a Course (U)
- Add a Course (G)
Delete a Course
It is importatn that a proposal to delete a course be completed thoroughly to find courses and programs that may be affected by the course you are deleting.
Dual-Listed Courses - Undergraduate and Graduate concurrent course
The addition or revision of a dual-listed course is put on one proposal form. It is sent to both Undergraduate and Graduate AP&P for approval at the same time.
- Dual-Listed Courses - adding two new courses that are dual listed Sample (PDF)
- Dual-Listed Courses - change course title Sample (PDF)
- Dual-Listed Courses - Delete the undergraduate level course and remove the dual listing Sample (PDF)
Cross-Listed Courses - Multiple departments using same course number and content
The addition or revision of a cross-listed course is put on one proposal form. It must be reviewed/approved by both departments and colleges. Note that on this SAMPLE there is not room to put both course descriptions in the proposed section so an attachment was added. Also, approval dates are needed for each department and college.
- Cross-listed - Add a course and cross-list with existing course Sample (PDF)
- Cross-listed - Delete a course and remove cross-listing Sample (PDF)
- Cross-listed - Change course information Sample (PDF)
Revise Program of Study
Any change to the program of study (except date for new year or contact name) must be approved by AP&P.
- Revise POS Sample (PDF)