(Parts A, B, and/or C)
When each college/school's dean's office has determined that the proposals are ready for submission to the AP&P Committees, a cover memo from the dean's office, along with the approved proposals, should be sent to the appropriate AP&P Committee by the submission deadline date. The cover memo must include the AP&P meeting date and a brief summary/list of the proposals that are ready to be considered for that specific meeting. Each proposal with attachments should be submitted as a single PDF document. Those proposals will then be posted on the AsULearn site for review by members of the AP&P Committee.
- Parts A and B should be submitted by the dean’s office.
- Undergraduate AP&P appproposals@appstate.edu
- Graduate AP&P gradapp@appstate.edu
- Dual-listed proposals are submitted to both AP&P Committees.
- Part C form (to propose General Education credit) should be sent electronically to the Office of General Education. Send those files as saved PDFs to generaleducationproposals@appstate.edu.
- The proposal is routed from the department/program to the applicable college council.
- Submission Deadlines: