2024-2025 Undergraduate AP&P Meeting Dates

Undergraduate AP&P Committee meetings

Listed below are the Undergraduate AP&P Committee meeting dates for the 2024-2025 academic year, (along with the deadline dates for submitting proposals). The Undergraduate AP&P Committee meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month during the fall and spring semesters from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 meetings are via Zoom.  https://appstate.zoom.us/j/547700391?pwd=WDJrU2NnYXc0MHFUUGd0T2c5NEx2dz09


2024-2025 Catalog Deadline: The FEBRUARY 5, 2025 Undergraduate AP&P Committee meeting is the deadline for having proposals approved by the Undergraduate AP&P Committee for all undergraduate course and degree requirement changes that are to be included in the 2025-2026 Undergraduate Bulletin.

Curriculum changes approved by the Undergraduate and Graduate AP&P Committees will be effective only at the beginning of a fall semester. Proposals approved at AP&P from October 2024 through February 2025 will be effective Fall 2025, and proposals approved at AP&P from March 2025 through May 2025 will not be effective until Fall 2026.

  • October 2, 2024 (Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans' /College offices by Sept 6, 2024.)
  • November 6, 2024 (Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans'/College offices by Oct 4, 2024.)
  • December 4, 2024 (Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans' /College offices by Nov 8, 2024.)
  • January 15, 2025 -(Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans' /College offices by Dec 6, 2024.)
  • February 5, 2025 (Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans'/College offices by Jan 3, 2025.)
  • March 5, 2025 - (Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans' /College offices by Feb 7, 2025.)
  • April 2, 2025 - (Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans' /College offices by Mar 7, 2025.)
  • April 30, 2025 (Proposals must be submitted to UAP&P from the Deans' /College offices by Apr 4, 2025.)

All departments/programs should submit their Undergraduate AP&P proposals directly to their Deans' offices. When each college/school's dean's office has determined that the proposals are ready for submission to the Undergraduate AP&P Committee, a cover memo from the dean's office, along with the approved proposals should be sent to appproposals@appstate.edu by the dates noted above. The cover memo must include the Undergraduate AP&P meeting date and a brief summary/list of the proposals that are ready to be considered for that specific meeting. Each proposal with attachments should be submitted as a single PDF document. Those proposals will then be posted on the AsULearn site for review by members of the Undergraduate AP&P Committee.

Please work with the appropriate staff in your Deans' offices regarding these procedures and their submission deadline dates, etc. for your department/program.

Other curriculum committees meeting dates and deadlines: